Wonders which road to take
What am I doing here?
And why do I need to be there?
Seeing the lights
remembers the steps before.
Unwelcome in many places
And occasion, finds a way out.
Doesn’t look back only forward.
Can I make my way here or?
Could I turn there?
Still trapped in darkness
Lost and confused.
I can’t go
Here and can’t make it
Setback after setback
Where are the signs?
Do I keep going
Where will it take me?
It’s not even dawn
And this emptiness doesn’t hide
I wonder, I wonder.
and find your way back
tomorrow night.
Where your memories continue
to be repeated.
One-part lost child,
Two parts a leader.
Sometimes love comes late at night
and leaves early in the morning.
Even if the joy I short-lived
Always remember the stars that
Evening the brightest.
Don’t leave me
And find your way
Back tomorrow night
Where your memories
Continued to be repeated.
And do I need to be there?
Seeing the lights remembers,
The steps before.
And climbs the rest
Of the way above.
Photo by Tyson Dudley on Unsplash