Tiny star twinkling in the mid-morning sun
Minute emissary
Expelled from clustered time
Set adrift to witness the callistemon calyx
Wither and die
So close to fertile ground
Parachuting past the brush turkeys
Scruffling and scrounging
Irresistible instinct pressing them
Into early spring service
Beneath the branches where a
Gaggle of galahs cackle and gorge
Indifferent to their albino cousin’s difference
His anaemic peculiarity obscured
By whatever kinship lies within
Drifting in the neverspace
Solitary voyager
Cast out of cosy consort
Past the pair of kookaburras
Silently surveying their domain
Resolutely unperturbed by the
Noisy miners with their bombing raids
Archly arrowed
Determined to harangue
Yearning for the warm earth
To be swallowed up shallowly
Thirsting for the bright, soft rain
To swell and burst you
Into a new magnificence
To rise in glorious reflection
And adorn the morning
With your golden crown
Tiny star
Floating on a spring breeze
Aching to arrive
To be reborn
Adrift alone