The courage to question ideas: interview with Kelly Gardiner.
Kelly Gardiner explores how one individual voice develops into an array of voices ready to write and share new ideas.
‘An Important Task for Your To-Do List: Appreciate the Little Things
All have a place under noble trees, beside friendly shrubs, below the dazzling sun. These will extend guardianship, protection and a warm touch to even the most imperfect being. All can observe, breathe in, hold, dance among and walk through nature. All are given the honour to experience profound inspiration and sincere calm from it.
The Thinning: Book Review
Review by Stacey O’Carroll Author: Inga Simpson Publisher: Hachette RRP: $32.99 Release Date: Out now “We haven’t always lived on amber alert, ready to run.” What do you get when you cross astronomy with a dystopian thriller and the Central West and North West Slopes of NSW? The Thinning is a unique and…
His family are in the flat downstairs packing all the stuff from the big city.
Reaching for the stars
‘Everyone’s getting pretty antsy.
After six o’clock.
This short story emerged from the act of trimming nails after 6 PM, a practice surrounded by Sri Lankan myth and familial wisdom.
When you buy a second-hand poetry book on eBay
you had your doubts, but hell, it was so cheap,
Portraits of Drowning: Poetry Book Review
Review by Stacey O’Carroll Author: Madeleine Dale Publisher: UQP RRP: $24.99 Release Date: 3 September 2024 “Imagine Mary, waiting ten days by the yellow house as if waiting for inspiration — for the same raw-breeze must who turns oak leaves over and breaks windfall fruit from its branch.” The Poet in Water Poetry…
After the Apocalypse
It’s a cold morning, when a breath can be condensed by the chill and dark grey clouds cover the ground from sunlight.
a love letter to love
Love is…
Emily Wilde’s Compendium of Lost Tales: Book Review
Review by Stacey O’Carroll Author: Heather Fawcett Series: Emily Wilde Book #3 Publisher: Hachette RRP: $32.99 Release Date: 14 January 2025 “If there is one subject upon which Wendell and I will never agree, it is the wisdom of attempting to drag a cat into Faerie.” Academia and faeries are not what you…
Artist in the Aurelian Wall: A ghazal
Did you know that he lived in a hole in the wall,
The Good News Call Centre.
How are you this blessed day?’
You Have a Choice Even If
Good children don’t run away.
The Burrow: Book Review
Review by Stacey O’Carroll Author: Melanie Cheng Publisher: Text Publishing RRP: $32.99 Release Date: 1 October 2024 “It was the middle of spring. The curfew for metropolitan Melbourne had been lifted but restrictions were still in place…Jin had been driving for forty minutes, alone, first through country vineyards and later through graffitied outer suburbs,…
Failure is not fatal
The parting.
I reach for the comb, mindful of the drag of rounded teeth across skin as translucent as tracing paper.
Pictures of You: Book Review
Review by Stacey O’Carroll Author: Emma Grey Publisher: Penguin Random House RRP: $34.99 Release Date: 12 November 2024 “All the scaffolding in my life has crumbled and I’m stranded on a mile-high ledge.” What if you woke up in a hospital bed and couldn’t remember any of your adult life? Scared and confused,…
We will be open again for submissions early 2025.