Submissions for Issue 14 Are Now Open!

Send us your short stories, vignettes, poetry, non fiction, hybrid form writing, photographs, illustrations, interviews, audio works and films.

We’re also keen for reviews of books, film, games, podcasts, and audio plays.

If you have other forms of creative output you’d like to submit, we’re keen to see it!

  • Publication date is in early December.
  • Email work to [email protected]
  • If you have any questions, feel free to email us
  • Any submissions received outside of the open window will be deleted unread.
  • Issue 14 is an open theme for fiction, nonfiction and poetry.
  • Please submit your work/s as a Word Document.

When submitting your work for consideration, please include a page at the front of your submission that states:

  • your name
  • any notes about the intention, style or genre of the work that you would like the reviewer to take into consideration
  • the word count of the piece
 Poetry Submissions
  • All poetry submissions should be emailed as an attachment to: [email protected]
  • Acceptable attachment file formats are: Word, .pdf, .jpeg or .png.
  • Up to four poems, up to 100 lines each.
  • Please format in Times New Roman, 12 pt, single line spacing, left justified – unless your piece requires its own specific formatting (see below).
  • If your piece requires specific formatting (eg non-standard spacing, line breaks or justification), please submit it as a .pdf file only.
  • While we prefer unpublished work, we recognise that great poetry deserves multiple audiences. We will therefore consider republishing work of particular merit.
  • We greatly value the work of all our contributors, but we ask that if we publish your poetry, you please refrain from submitting for the next issue. We are committed to sharing the work of as many new voices as possible, and we do not wish to turn away good work.
  • We read work progressively and reserve the right to close poetry submissions as soon as we have received a quota of excellent work. We believe this is fairer than allowing great work to be submitted which will ultimately have to be rejected due to space constraints.

By Submitting Work You:

  1. grant to Swinburne a permanent, irrevocable, royalty-free, non-exclusive licence to reproduce and communicate the Work to the public in Other Terrain.
  2. I permit the Swinburne University of Technology (“Swinburne”) to upload the audio recording of the interview I participated in onto the Other Terrain Podcast for streaming. Also, I acknowledge it can include the participant (“the author”) reading out selected pages of their writing projects.
  3. I release Swinburne from any and all claims or causes of action which may be pursued in respect of, or arising from, any exploitation of the Work
  4. I agree to have the author’s name and a short biography of the author included in the online publication

I warrant that I own the copyright in the Work described above.

I warrant that I own all necessary rights to enter this agreement.

Author Biography and Headshot

  • Please always include a short biography (100 words) with your submission as well as a headshot.

Word Count

  • Fiction – 3000 words max
  • Non fiction – 3000 words max
  • Poetry – 100 lines max
  • Academic – 5000 words max


  • All work to be double spaced and in 12pt font


  • Use single quotes for quotations.
  • Indent first line of dialogue.
  • Quotes longer than three lines are indented once.
  • If a word is a catchphrase (rather than a quote) that needs to be put in quote marks, italicise it please.

For Example:

Hence, a vigilante like light can personify the inherent tensions in law in a way that other crimefighters, be they Perry Mason or Harry Callaghan, cannot. As Walter Benjamin notes in his essay ‘Critique of Violence’:

‘in the great criminal this violence confronts the law with the threat of declaring a new law, a threat that even today, despite its impotence, in important instances horrifies the public as it did in primeval times’ (Benjamin 1996, p. 183).

with full stop after the bracketed in-text citation.


  • 60s
  • 1930-1931 (no space around hyphen)

Citation and Bibliographic System

  • Articles should be in author-date Harvard Style

For example:

(Smith 2008, p. 7)

  • and under References at the conclusion of the article:

Benjamin, W, Bullock, M, & Jennings, M 1996, Critique of Violence, Selected Writings; Volume 1; 1913-1926, Belknap Press, London.

Raney, AA, & Bryant, J 2002, ‘Moral Judgment and Crime Drama: An Integrated Theory of Enjoyment’, Journal of Communication, vol 52, no 2.

Endnotes rather than Footnotes

Avoid footnotes in favour of endnotes. If using endnotes, numbers rather than roman numerals are preferred.

Every good Wish with Your Writing!

The Other Terrain Team