Tag: Paul Casey

  • Laughing Lama

    Laughing Lama

    By Paul Casey. “Difficulty comes with the third mosquito” – Dalai Lama how shall we lift the blindness he asks between fits of laughter that hides the imperceptible source of their joy? when we could all be laughing through the day, through loss, death. Just imagine the world so once-stoic, briefcase emissaries now laughing chuckling…

  • Paul Casey

    Paul Casey

    Paul Casey has published poems in journals and anthologies in Ireland and around the world. His most recent collection is Virtual Tides (Salmon Poetry, 2016). This follows home more or less (Salmon, 2012) and a chapbook, It’s Not all Bad (Heaventree Press, 2009). He is the recipient of three writing bursaries from the Cork City Council Arts Office. He made a poetry-film of…