Category: Issue Three
By Kim Waters The bed slopes towards morning and I hang on to the fringes of a dream, waiting for the day to unfurl like a leaf on the ground.
By Bill Cotter On the cliff edge, Dawn’s grey ghosts, the steely eyed gulls, Are testing their wings.
Ballroom Echoes
By Robert James Conlon We only dance in our memories now The song is forgotten the melody lost In a ghost of movements. Image by: Michael D Beckwith
The Lines We Make
By Robert James Conlon
By Lyn Chatham At four am Seb cooks dinner in his minimalist mock kitchen.
The Sorrows of Soggy Sam Sulfur
By Oscar O’Neill-Pugh Rats stuck in burning trees, Poisoned vultures in the air vent. You still think of me as your good Sheppard, Even though I’m hell-sent.
Gobble Gobble (The Wild Turkey Calls)
By Oscar O’Neill-Pugh I sit almost naked to the world, Towel hanging loosely to my loins. Dead muses acting as my butcher and to the bottle, my hand rejoins.