Bernadette Gallagher

Bernadette Gallagher was born in Donegal, Ireland in 1959 and has been living in the countryside of Co. Cork since 1986. She worked as a project manager and IT specialist for many years.

Her poems explore the nuances of memory and experience and have been published in Irish Examiner, Boyne Berries, ROPES, Stanzas, in the US peace journal DoveTales and in anthologies published by Ó Bhéal and Cinnamon Press.  Her work is available online at HeadStuff.orgPicaroon PoetryPoetheadThe Incubator, Live Encounters and at the Irish Poetry Archive University College Dublin.

Bernadette has been invited to read her work in Ireland, UK, Galicia, India and the US. In addition to reading her own work she has also researched and read the work of Dorothea Herbert (1767-1829) as part of the Fired event at the Dublin Writers Museum and Missing Voices seminar at Poetry Ireland in 2018.

She is a founding member of Poets Abroad and organised the first public reading by members of this group at Books Upstairs in Dublin in 2016.


