Category: Creative nonfiction
The Marriage Debate: A Queer kid’s recollection of growing up Catholic and closeted.
by Elise Harrington. ‘You’re not gay. You’re not gay. You’re not gay. You’re not gay. You’re not gay. You’re not gay.’ I lay completely flat on the couch repeating the words to myself, as though I could rid my thoughts and feelings by simply convincing myself otherwise. These delusions came shortly after receiving an…
On being a “Lone Ranger” in journalism’s “Wild West”
In the famous phrase “murder your darlings”, “you” are a writer and your “darlings” are the parts of a piece that, despite your love for them, must be scrapped.
A friend for Mesut Ozil
What boundaries do extreme athletes set between themselves and the natural environment, or are they all limitless?
‘An Important Task for Your To-Do List: Appreciate the Little Things
All have a place under noble trees, beside friendly shrubs, below the dazzling sun. These will extend guardianship, protection and a warm touch to even the most imperfect being. All can observe, breathe in, hold, dance among and walk through nature. All are given the honour to experience profound inspiration and sincere calm from it.
My Apocalyptic Journey
By Zoe Sorenson Watching dystopian movies as a kid, I never really worried about what would happen if my family were separated in the event of an apocalypse—it wasn’t necessary. Let’s be real, I’m from a well-off, white Australian family from the suburbs of Melbourne. I was reasonably confident we would stick together regardless…
The Door Behind You
By Joshua Kepreotis. John left at night to walk all the way through the darkness and find a way to the fishing port town of Agia Pelagia by morning, when the boat was to arrive. He said an inglorious goodbye at the house to whoever in his family was there to see him off. His…
by Kylie Adams We live in an age of unrest. We hate, we fight, we kill, and for what? Don’t we all want the same thing? A chance for freedom, peace, and equality? A place to call our own, where our children are safe, our government is transparent, and our society is treated fairly? Yet,…
The Passenger
By Reece Pye He got on at Dandenong, of all places. I didn’t pay him much mind at first; I was already too deep in The Cider House Ruleswhen he came and sat next to me. He seemed just like any other passenger, except in the way he sat with his back facing me, his…