
by Charles Murray

We’ll say a prayer for love tonight remembering his poems;
And laud the crack which allows the light
to enter and soften our rooms;
The rooms where we hide all the pain in our souls,
all the ache of being without,
and we’ll pray for the rhyme
which happens in time
to unravel what love’s all about.
Like a bird on the wire we’ll herald the choir,
lamenting his midnight hour,
as he chased love forever with all of his failings
and always came back for more.
We were suckers for his lyrics then and t
otal tragics now,
because they knew and sang our secret selves
when we had broken a sacred vow;
As he kissed a hundred lovers deep when drowning in desire,
for his music smouldered passion and his poetry was fire.
I know you’re on a slow

burn babe and hang
ing out for love,
and I’ll be here to share our needing until your insistent gentle shove
that tells me to be on my way, to make tracks for the coast
where I’ll be thinking you’re my number one
and how I love you most
until I fall again for love, my senses
by the urging as it surges ‘round my needing and then some;
I’ll shuffle the deck to suit myself and begin the game again
for I know you’re on a slow

burn babe and hanging out for love,
no need to ask, I know your pleasure, you won’t ever need to
and we’ll make another prayer tonight…for love



