Scherezade Siobhan

Scherezade Siobhan is a Jungian scarab moonlighting as a clinical psychologist. Her writing has been translated into multiple languages as well as featured in various digital and physical spaces and can be found in literary magazines such as DIAGRAM, Winter Tangerine, The Nervous Breakdown, tnYPress, Potluck, Mandala Journal, Queenmobs, Realpants among many others. She has been featured in anthologies, international galleries, rehab centers and in the bios of okcupid users. Her digital collection of poems “Bone Tongue” was published by Thought Catalog Books and her full length poetry book “Father, Husband” was recently released by Salopress UK, her poetry pamphlet of Sufi poems is forthcoming from Pyramid Editions. She is a Pushcart Prize and a Best of the Net nominee for writing. In 2016, she created and now curates a global conversation called “the Mira project” where women and women identified folks are encouraged to respond gendered violence with healing through arts.


