Category: Issues
Issue Thirteen Interviews
Lauren Chater Laurie Steed Alison Goodman G.S. Johnston
Issue Thirteen Fiction
In the Eye of Jupiter Religion ‘Sense and insensibility’ Black As Rise and Fall – A Cheerleader’s Triumph and Tragedy Free Range Eggs The Flynn Effect The School Boy Alice Fade to Blacking Out Stubborn as Mud SpaceTruck 1999 Mothman Wilt Tree Dwellers Darwin, with Archie Empty Heavenly Morsel
Issue Thirteen Poetry
Orbs & the Mountain Every Single Day Balms Garry Gets a Gun Boathouse Facing North Well Rounded Always, a River Day Ebbs Leigh Sales is “Totally Fine” The Sea Then and Now Tandem venit amor, and others. At Old Epidaurus Rabbits Running Complication We are all Wildflowers Pressed Between Transparencies
Issue Thirteen Book Reviews.
The Glass House: Novel Review Love From Scratch: Novel Review Thanks For Having Me: Novel Review A Dance With Murder: Novel Review Tidelines: Novel Review Someone Else’s Bucket List: Novel Review Kit McBride Gets A Wife: Novel Review The Next Big Thing: Novel Review The Deed: Novel Review Sanctuary: Novel Review Non-Fiction Reviews Good With…
Women embrace empowerment with their strengths.
Lauren Chaters speaks about exploring the prosperity of women in history and the current day through portraits that remain with us.
As time passes love is unknowingly translucent.
G.S. Johnston discusses how he crafts insightful love stories set in the past and amongst the harsh political climates of the time.
Bringing a touch of serenity to those in need.
Alison Goodman takes us on a journey with two women who lend a helping hand in creative ways, highlighting the light and darkness in people’s stories.
Tidelines: Novel Review
Review by Stacey O’Carroll Author: Sarah Sasson Publisher: Affirm Press RRP: $32.99 Release Date: 30 January 2024 “In the time that followed, bits of ourselves kept breaking off, crumbling like limestone into ocean, apostles falling: every year we became a little less of whoever we were in those moments.” Do we really know the people…
Vulnerability is shown in a multitude of ways.
Laurie Steed talks about how he finds the light in dark situations by drawing on internal worlds and the people who surround us.
At Old Epidaurus, and others.
by Jena Woodhouse. Perhaps you remember that brilliant morning at Old Epidaurus, nine summers ago: the cobalt Aegean, the shock of its waters on flesh warmed by passion, after the show. The cold marble tiers of the previous evening: moonlight captured and frozen in moulds; the silver horse hitched to a mulberry tree…
For the Girlies Collection
By Jilliean Sioson Last March, the whole world gathered together women and all that they do, but I’m sure we can appreciate and celebrate all the different women in our lives for more than just a day or two. So grab your gal pals, your nearest and dearest, a cup of tea or hot chocolate…
The Deed: Novel Review
Review by Stacey O’Carroll Author: Susannah Begbie Publisher: Hachette RRP: $32.99 Release Date: 1 May 2024 “Three steps in she found the crumpled body of her dead father.” What causes more chaos than a will and the remaining family? In Susannah Begbie’s stunning debut novel, The Deed, she exposes the messy side of family and…
The House That Joy Built: Non-Fiction Review
Review by Stacey O’Carroll Author: Holly Ringland Publisher: HarperCollins RRP: $32.99 Release Date: 4 October 2023 “Sitting at my desk and writing, I feel two forces again: joy and fear.” Never has there been a book, fiction or non-fiction, that so aptly captured my current state that the moment I finished reading the last page,…
The Axeman’s Carnival: Novel Review
Review by Stacey O’Carroll Author: Catherine Chidgey Publisher: Allen & Unwin RRP: $32.99 Release Date: 19 March 2024 “And I belonged and did not belong, and I was bird and not-bird.” With such an unusual title and a proud magpie sitting on the cover, Catherine Chidgey’s The Axeman’s Carnival is an unexpected and brilliant story.…
Tandem venit amor, and others.
Translated by Jena Woodhouse. Tandem venit amor… Sulpicia, 1st century AD Now love has finally come, it would be the better part of valour to keep it obscure, veiling the heart in pudency, confiding in no-one. Cythera has conspired with the Muses to endow our ardent embrace; Venus has honoured all her promises.…
Someone Else’s Bucket List: Novel Review
Review by Stacey O’Carroll Author: Amy T Matthews Publisher: Simon & Schuster RRP: $32.99 Release Date: 31 January 2024 “Plant a tree that will live long after I’m gone. Something shady. That also has blossoms.” Sometimes, it takes the people who know us best to push us out of hiding from life and start to…
The Haters: Novel Review
Review by Stacey O’Carroll Author: Robyn Harding Publisher: Simon & Schuster RRP: $32.99 Release Date: 3 July 2024 “My first novel, Burnt Orchid, has been out in the world for two days. The manuscript I poured my soul into for almost three years now sits on bookstore shelves, and it’s the achievement of my life.”…
Every Single Day
By Les Wicks. It takes a certain bravery or blindness perhaps. I gave so much away but still the clutter. When I said there was this fear my lover listened. Growth grows on one. On an empty day with storm & vehemence I had plenty. But wanted so much more…
Sense and Insensibility.
by Jane Downing. The traffic was as unremitting as the winter damp. Ellie missed the turn-off, forcing the technology into a hiccoughing insistence it was recalculating. Eventually their rental filtered off the motorway, where the roads were quickly narrow, countrified, and quiet. As far from the sunburnt country of dusty plains they were visiting…
The Glass House: Novel Review
Review by Stacey O’Carroll Author: Anne Buist and Graeme Simsion Publisher: Hachette RRP: $32.99 Release Date: 27 March 2024 “If I’d wanted an image to sum up everything that’s disturbed me in my first three weeks of acute psychiatry at Menzies Hospital – and, in a strange way, what I’ve loved about it – I…