By Paul Casey.
“Difficulty comes with the third mosquito” – Dalai Lama
how shall we lift the blindness he asks
between fits of laughter
that hides the imperceptible source of their joy?
when we could all be laughing
through the day, through loss,
death. Just imagine the world so
once-stoic, briefcase emissaries now laughing
chuckling bus drivers, beggars in stitches
prisoners in spasms, celebratory dustbinmen
judges. guinness book records
for the longest, loudest howl,
shriek and scream of laughter
most aesthetically pleasing giggle
most people laughing at once
deepest and highest pitches of hysterics
signs in operating theatres
No Laughing During Surgery Please
competitions for the sweetest
most experimental
immediate, quickest off the mark bursts of laughter
most infectious
trios and quartets of laughers
national orchestras of merrymaking
and International public laughing holidays
a ministry of mirth
it’s so simple
he sees
takes a breath
and bursts
into laughter